Jeff Jonas: the acclaimed data scientist, global Ironman Triathlete, nomadic CEO of Senzing
Triathlete Magazine
Meet the Genius Who’s Raced Every Ironman On the Planet
Jeff Jonas has somehow flown under the radar as a record-setting Ironman. Until now.
Deep Dive with Jeff
short description videos below
Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on Entity Resolution in Data Analytics
Jeff Jonas, CEO and Founder of Senzing, discusses the numerous challenges of duplicate entries in a data repository, and why properly handling this challenge is essential for top analytics performance. — eWeek
What observation space are you harnessing, and what is your ability to make sense of it? It's about ‘sense making’.
Jeff Jonas
eWeek interview on Big Data Entity Resolution
Context Computing - Jeff Jonas keynote
Real-time AI for entity resolution, Jeff Jonas (Senzing)
O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference